January 19, 2022

Cassidy: Democrats’ Election Bill is a Power Grab, Distraction from Real Crises

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) released a statement following his opposition to the Democrats’ federal power grab masquerading as an election reform bill. The legislation restricts states’ ability to conduct elections, removes commonsense voter ID laws, and funnels taxpayer dollars to fund political campaigns.

“This effort isn’t about protecting the right to vote, it’s about Democrats wanting to federalize elections to their advantage. The president chooses to vilify Red states like Georgia and Texas that have more accessible election laws than his own home state of Delaware,” said Dr. Cassidy. “The administration is failing to address crippling inflation, COVID-19, school closures, the border crisis and record high opioid overdoses, so they are manufacturing a fake voting rights crisis to distract from their incompetence.” 

A video of Cassidy’s statement on Democrats’ election reform power grab can be watched here and downloaded here.

Cassidy also released a statement on Democrats’ attempts to nuke the Senate filibuster to pass their election takeover bill. The filibuster is a Senate procedural mechanism requiring 60 votes to proceed to consideration of legislation.

“The filibuster forces both sides to come to the table, find common ground, and compromise. Republicans refused to get rid of the legislative filibuster when in power to preserve the voice of the minority,” said Dr. Cassidy. “Despite using it liberally in the minority, Senator Schumer wants to get rid of the filibuster because it is inconvenient for their unpopular, partisan agenda. Fortunately, there is bipartisan opposition to undermining the institution of the Senate.”

A video of Cassidy’s statement on the filibuster can be watched here and downloaded here.

Earlier today, Cassidy delivered a speech rebuking Democrats’ partisan election reform effort on the Senate Floor. 

Last week, Senate Democrats used the filibuster to block Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) sanctions legislation aimed at addressing Russia’s attempts to undermine democracy in Eastern Europe. 

