December 15, 2017

VIDEO: Cassidy: Tax Reform Bill Cuts Taxes for the Middle-Class, Sets Stage for More Economic Growth

U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), a member of the Senate Finance Committee, joined Harris Faulkner on Fox News today to discuss the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, tax reform legislation that would cut taxes for working families in Louisiana. The final version of the bill is expected to be made public today, with the House and Senate slated to vote on final approval next week.

Key excerpts of Cassidy’s remarks are transcribed below.

CASSIDY: The president wanted to have a middle-class tax cut. This clearly has a middle-class tax cut. He wanted to set the stage for economic growth. We’re seeing economic growth but this sets the stage for further. Lastly, we got rid of the Individual Mandate, the heart and soul of Obamacare. That’s also gone. I think we accomplished that original vision.

