March 30, 2017

In The News: Cassidy-Collins Provides Next Step on Health Care

WASHINGTON— Following the withdrawal of the AHCA, the Cassidy-Collins plan (Patient Freedom Act) provides the best path forward for health care reform.


Roll Call: The Search for Intelligent Bipartisanship on Health Care


“GOP Sens. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Susan Collins of Maine will keep talking to senators and stakeholders about their bill, the Patient Freedom Act, which they believe is a rare avenue for bipartisan cooperation.


‘I like to think the Cassidy-Collins bill is well-positioned as a path forward,’ Cassidy said Monday.”


Bloomberg Politics: Senate GOP Leaders Push for Health-Care Effort After House Plan Implodes


 “‘A lot of states represented by Democrats will have double-digit premium increases,’ Cassidy said. ‘It isn’t as if the issue is going away,’ he added, with people who make too much to qualify for subsidies angry about paying tens of thousands of dollars in premiums for plans with high deductibles and few or no choices of plans in many states.”

Morning Consult: Leaders Plan to Scrap Health Reform, but Some in GOP See Path Forward


“Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) tweeted that the lesson learned from both Obamacare and the House decision to withdraw the GOP bill was that “major social policy change in U.S. must be bipartisan.” He pointed to a plan from Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine), which he thought would gain attention. Cassidy responded in kind, saying he looked forward to working with Grassley.”



The Hill: This week: GOP picks up the pieces after healthcare defeat


“GOP Sens. Bill Cassidy (La.) and Susan Collins (Maine) pitched their legislation, which would allow states that like ObamaCare to keep it, as a path forward that could help win over both both parties. 


‘I urge my colleagues, both Republicans and Democrats, to take a look at the legislation Senator Bill Cassidy and I have introduced, which would expand access to affordable health care in a way that provides more choices and helps to restrain costs,’ Collins said in a statement. 


Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) also urged his colleagues to review the Cassidy-Collins bill, adding that ‘major social policy change in US must be bipartisan.’”



The Los Angeles Times: Can Trump be Stopped from Making Obamacare ‘explode’?


“What’s most doubtful is whether Congress is capable of taking any action that will fix the flaws in the ACA, including inadequate subsidies and ineffective incentives for younger and healthier Americans to enroll in health plans. One proposal, from Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.), would supplant the ACA’s tax subsidies with state- or federally funded health savings accounts allowing individuals to buy health plans on the open market.



Susan and I have talked to six or seven Democratic senators,’ Cassidy told me, ‘and they all take this as a good-faith effort to be bipartisan.’”

