December 3, 2015

Cassidy, Vitter and Boustany Applaud Opening of Lake Charles Interim VA Clinic

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D., U.S. Senator David Vitter, and U.S. Representative Charles Boustany, M.D. applauded the opening of the Lake Charles VA Interim Clinic on 814 W. McNeese St. The VA is holding an open house to celebrate the clinic’s official opening today from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.

“Securing a lease for a permanent VA clinic and opening the interim clinic are steps in the right direction. Until the clinic opens and starts seeing patients, we must continue to ensure our veterans have access to reliable, quality care in south Louisiana. Making sure the VA fulfills its mission to serve our veterans and not bureaucrats must be one of our highest priorities,” said Dr. Cassidy

Dr. Cassidy has been standing up against the Obama administration and VA bureaucracy, pointing out the VA Clinic in Lake Charles has taken 13 years to get approved and veterans have relied on going to a  mobile home to receive care. Watch the video and read his speech HERE.

VA Clinic

“While I’m glad to see my years of hard work with Congressman Boustany have come to fruition with the opening of this much needed VA clinic providing access to quality healthcare for veterans living in Lake Charles, I will not stop pushing until the permanent Lake Charles clinic is up and running, as are the interim and permanent clinics in Lafayette. The veterans of southwest Louisiana have waited long enough,” said Sen. Vitter

“When I called for the Secretary of the VA to come to Louisiana to view the conditions where it’s treating our veterans, Deputy Secretary Gibson called the facilities ‘unacceptable.’ Today’s opening is the result of a lot of hard work and diligence from our congressional delegation in holding the VA’s feet to the fire and ensuring our veterans’ needs are met. I’m proud to have led this effort to provide better facilities and expanded services for our South Louisiana veterans, because they’ve earned it,” said Rep. Boustany

