December 6, 2016

Bishop T. F. Tenney of Alexandria Opens US Senate Floor with Prayer

WASHINGTON—This morning, US Senator Bill Cassidy, MD invited Bishop T. F. Tenney of Alexandria, Louisiana to open the US Senate floor with a prayer.


Bishop Tenney has ministered in the United Pentecostal Church International for more than 65 years, including in several churches in Louisiana. Before retiring in 2005, Bishop Tenney led the UPCI church in Louisiana as the District Superintendent (Bishop). He now serves as the Bishop Emeritus of the Louisiana District.


Bishop Tenney and his wife, Thetus Tenney, reside in Alexandria, Louisiana where they serve and worship at The Pentecostals of Alexandria.


“Many have looked toward Bishop Tenney for guidance who by his life and by his words guides them toward a deeper relationship with God. On behalf of the entire Senate, I extend our thanks for Bishop Tenney being here today,” said Dr. Cassidy


Watch Bishop Tenney’s prayer and Dr. Cassidy’s closing comments here.  

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