June 26, 2018

Cassidy, Kennedy Push for National Flood Insurance Program Extension

WASHINGTON, D.C. – With hurricane season underway along the Gulf coast, U.S. Senators  Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), and John Kennedy (R-LA) submitted an amendment to the Agriculture Improvement Act (H.R.2) – also known as the Senate Farm Bill – that would reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for six months. Unless action is taken, the program will lapse July 31.

“Louisiana families depend on the National Flood Insurance Program for peace of mind and recovery after disaster,” said Dr. Cassidy. “We must preserve this program through hurricane season as we work on a long-term reauthorization that ensures the program is affordable and sustainable.”

“In the absence of reauthorizing legislation, the National Flood Insurance Program will lapse, in the middle of hurricane season, leaving more than five million American families and businesses vulnerable.  I don’t want people to be scared every time it rains,” said Sen. Kennedy.  “We can’t allow the program to expire, and this may be the shortest way home.  My colleagues shouldn’t play politics with the NFIP.  It’s central to the stability and vitality of the American economy, whether you live in Plaquemines Parish or the Missouri floodplain.  We cannot afford to let down the many Americans who depend on the National Flood Insurance Program for protection against natural disasters.  Did I mention that we are in the middle of hurricane season?”

In a multi-layered approach to ensuring the program doesn’t expire, Cassidy and Kennedy also introduced a standalone bill to extend the National Flood Insurance Program.

