April 16, 2020

Trump Picks Cassidy for Task Force on Re-Opening Economy

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump has selected U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) to serve on a task force to counsel the president on how to re-open the economy following the end of the coronavirus pandemic.

Cassidy previously served on the Health task force for developing the CARES Act, the $2 trillion+ relief bill Congress passed last month.

“Americans are ready to go back to work. We must ensure that this is done safely and in accordance with best-available public health information. I’m looking forward to working with President Trump to rebuild the American economy,” said Dr. Cassidy, whose background as a physician includes work with public health and immunizations.

Cassidy has been on the forefront of advocating for long-term reopening of the economy by using a system in which Americans can voluntarily take antibody tests to determine whether they are immune to coronavirus. Such a system would be able to identify who can safely return to work. Antibody testing results would be added to existing immunity databases and protected by health privacy laws.

Background on Antibody Testing and Immunity:

Cassidy has written two articles for the Wall Street Journal further developing his idea for tracking novel coronavirus immunity. They can be found here and here.

