July 15, 2016

Cassidy Applauds Cameron LNG Exportation Authorization


WASHINGTON— US Senator Bill Cassidy, MD (R-LA) released the following statement following the final approval of the Cameron LNG exportation authorization by the Department of Energy (DOE).

“I applaud the Department of Energy’s final approval of the Cameron LNG’s exportation authorization to non-free trade agreement countries. This is great news for Southwest Louisiana and the American energy economy. This approval will bring billions of dollars of investment and good high-paying jobs to Louisiana,” said Dr. Cassidy. “There is a tremendous global demand for American natural gas and today the Department of Energy made the right decision in making our resources available to international customers. The Department should approve other LNG projects in an expeditious manner.”

The DOE authorized Cameron LNG’s current facility in Calcasieu and Cameron Parishes, Louisiana for the export of an additional 1.41 billion cubic feet per day to non-free trade agreement countries. Following this decision, cumulative DOE authorized non-FTA export volume at Cameron LNG will be 13.22 Bcf/d.

Dr. Cassidy has been a strong advocate on this issue and has sent multiple letters to the DOE in support of Cameron LNG’s authorization requests to expand their production capacity infrastructure (read here) and export volume (read here).

In the US House of Representatives, Dr. Cassidy was an original co-sponsor of the Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act, HR 6, which would expedite exports of US liquefied natural gas (LNG). The Cassidy Amendment was also added to the US House of Representatives FY2015 budget proposal to prevent the Department of Energy from considering the perceived impact of greenhouse gas emissions in the LNG export application review process.


