March 4, 2020

Cassidy Applauds Telehealth Expansion in House’s Coronavirus Response Package

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) today applauded the inclusion of nearly $500 million to expand telehealth in the U.S. House of Representative’s coronavirus response package. The House passed the $8.3 billion package Wednesday afternoon.

Cassidy urged members of the administration to include telehealth in the coronavirus response during a Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee hearing Tuesday.

“Telehealth – with appropriate expanded authority – can protect patients and health care workers from coronavirus exposure. The House added nearly $500 million in the coronavirus response package for that expansion, which I have long advocated for. This investment will save lives,” said Dr. Cassidy.

Telehealth allows patients to connect with their health care provider through electronic means, such as through tablet live video communication. Allowing patients to stay at home reduces the chances they expose themselves to potential coronavirus infection in hospitals and clinics.

