December 11, 2018

Cassidy Introduces Legislation to Put Doctors Back in Control of VA Health Care

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, today introduced the Veterans Affairs Medical-Surgical Purchasing Stabilization Act, legislation to fix the Department of Veterans Affairs’ system for purchasing medical and surgical supplies so that veterans can receive the best quality care.

“As a doctor, I know effective treatment to patients requires the right tools,” said Dr. Cassidy. “Government bureaucrats with no clinical experience have no business deciding which medical and surgical supplies are necessary. This legislation makes sure VA doctors are equipped to provide the best care possible for our nation’s veterans.”

Cassidy’s bill directs the VA to correct the problems with their approved purchase list of medical-surgical supplies by using input from medical professionals with relevant expertise rather than administrative staff. This legislation would also prevent VA from outsourcing the creation of its list.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a version of the bill in May.
