July 23, 2015

Cassidy Protects Tax Payers, Stops Government Waste

WASHINGTON— U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) advanced efforts to prohibit taxpayer dollars from being spent on government oil paintings and protect Louisiana from the Obama administration’s climate change agenda in today’s mark-up of the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Bill for FY2016.

The Eliminating Government-Funding Oil-Painting (EGO) Act bans the federal government from spending taxpayer dollars on oil paintings of presidents, vice presidents, cabinet secretaries or members of Congress, which can often cost $40,000 each. 

Also included is language to prohibit funds from being used to implement the Obama administration’s executive order to change the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) to account for uncertainties associated with climate change. These regulations could deter federal building projects, such as military facilities and VA hospitals, from coming to and staying in Louisiana.

Dr. Cassidy released the following statement:

“This bill protects tax dollars from being wasted on things like $40,000 government oil paintings. It cuts the IRS’ budget by $470 million. It also stops the Obama administration from manipulating flood risk standards to disadvantage Louisianans. There’s still more to do, but this is a start.”

The $20.6 billion measure, which is $1.3 billion below the FY2015 enacted level and $4.0 billion below the President’s budget request, funds the U.S. Treasury Department, the Judiciary, Small Business Administration, Securities and Exchange Commission, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and several other agencies.  The bill includes policy provisions to rein in administration overreach, cut bureaucratic red tape, and protect the rights of the American people. It also cuts the IRS $470 million below the FY2015 enacted level and requires the IRS to streamline its activities.
