January 27, 2021

Cassidy Questions Jennifer Granholm, Biden’s Pick for Energy Secretary, at ENR Hearing

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) today questioned former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm about the devastating effects of President Biden’s recent executive orders at her confirmation hearing in the Energy and Natural Resources Committee to be Secretary of Energy.

Excerpts from Cassidy’s remarks are below.

To download video of Cassidy’s questioning, click here.

To view Cassidy’s full questioning on YouTube, click here.

“There’s a question before the American people – does the Biden administration actually care about their jobs? I’m thinking they have a SWAT team to take out some jobs,” Dr. Cassidy said during his questioning.

“Mr. [Pete] Buttigieg admitted yesterday that those [green] jobs would not come on quickly. [White House National Climate Advisor] Gina McCarthy in another interview said that the American people have scarified enough – we should not ask them to sacrifice more. How do we square the fact that we’re killing 11,000 jobs now, assuming they’ll be replaced with green jobs, that there will be some lag time there, and yet supposedly the American people are not being asked to sacrifice anymore because they’ve suffered too much already?”

“If you’ve lost a job that is putting food on your table now, it’s cold comfort to know that years from now, perhaps in a different state with different training from which you have, there will be another job available.”

