December 6, 2016

Cassidy Secures Billions for Louisiana Flood Relief

WASHINGTON— US Senator Bill Cassidy, MD announced more than $1.8 billion in flood relief aid has been secured for Louisiana. The Continuing Resolution (CR), which funds government priorities through April, includes $1.243 billion in flood relief aid for Louisiana. This is in addition to the $438 million down payment secured in September. The CR also contains $114 million in funding for the North Louisiana flood damages and an additional $34 million for the Federal Highway Emergency Relief Program to help the State provide critical federal highway infrastructure repairs caused by the floods. Dr. Cassidy will work with the Louisiana delegation to oversee how the money is spent and advocate for more funding if needed.


Dr. Cassidy released the following statement:


“More than $1.8 billion has been set aside for Louisiana to recover from flooding. This is an important next step and the entire delegation will continue to press for more funding to make sure that every Louisianan has what they need to get their lives back on track. Louisiana will continue to recover and rebuild.”


Dr. Cassidy spoke on the Senate floor about the importance of securing relief aid for the people of Louisiana and encouraged his colleagues to support the initial funding in August. Watch and read his remarks here. 


Dr. Cassidy successfully negotiated $114 million in disaster relief for Corps of Engineers infrastructure damages during discussions on the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations bill.
