April 30, 2015

DHS Sec Acknowledges Executive Order Doesn’t Make Sense

WASHINGTON— U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. questioned Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on an executive order affecting the federal flood risk management standard. Sec. Johnson acknowledged the executive order seemed nonsensical.

CASSIDY: “I’m looking at the federal flood risk management standard [executive order 13690] that will replace the current 100 year base flood elevation for flood insurance.

“…And there’s 3 options for the flood plain, one of which is to build through the 500 year elevation approach.

“Now I’m going to start laughing when I read that. We have no idea what the flood will be in 500 years because it depends upon assumptions which are imponderables.

“….You see it just defies logic…

“…Because obviously a lot of families and their jobs and their livelihoods depends upon having commonsense approaches to this.”

SEC. JOHNSON: “…I’d have to reread the executive order in full. On the face of what you say, a 500 year flood plain I’m not sure I’d understand that either…”

Watch the full exchange HERE. 

Dr. Cassidy is expecting to follow up on this topic at the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship field hearing, “How Flood Insurance Rate Increases and Flood Mapping Policy Changes Will Impact Small Businesses and Economic Growth,” which will be held tomorrow in New Orleans.

Find more information on the hearing HERE.

Previously, Dr. Cassidy joined fellow Senators to press the President to provide information this executive order. He also urged President Obama to not implement it due to its lack of transparency and input from the public or lawmakers.
