April 20, 2021

VIDEO: Cassidy Responds to Democrats Reintroduction of the Green New Deal

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) today released the following statement in response to Democrat’s re-introduction of the Green New Deal.

“I think their policy is shortsighted and counterproductive and they are gambling the livelihoods of those in Louisiana, and all Americans, and the environment, to satisfy a lot of things that are not thought through,” said Dr. Cassidy.

You can read the full remarks below:

“Earth Day, Thursday, the Green New Deal, I think is being reintroduced this week. The president is holding a summit at the White House. I may sound like a broken record, but it’s worth repeating. For an administration hell-bent on unilaterally dictating energy policy in the name of climate change, the president’s actions work against this proposal.

“They canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, which an Obama administration study said would lower greenhouse gas emissions.

“They are inhibiting and maybe shutting down development in the outer continental shelf even though studies show that developing oil and gas off the coast of Louisiana has the lowest greenhouse gas emission profile of any natural gas and oil production site in the world.  

“They are not following the science. We’ll make a larger dent in lowering greenhouse gas emissions if we keep production in the United States and that’s the science.

“I think their policy is shortsighted and counterproductive and they are gambling the livelihoods of those in Louisiana, and all Americans, and the environment, to satisfy a lot of things which are not thought through.”

